Beautiful Lace Closures can Keep your Edges Intact while Hairstyling
Women are particularly sensitive when it comes to their edges, making the statement “she ain’t got no edges” particularly hurtful to those having problems maintaining their thinning hairlines. Now, you don’t have to painstakingly change the subject when your friends talk about edges when you can have lace closures that can protect your hairline as you aim to grow it out again.

At times, however, excessive styling and stress applied to your weaves can instead result in the opposite of your desired outcome. Hence, extra care must also be applied to your edges as you engage in protective styling, since these are the weakest parts of your hair. This doesn’t mean, however, that you can’t have a little fun with hairstyles: keeping in mind these tips when styling your hair and your lace closures can help in keeping your edges healthy and damage-free.
Opt for Simple Styles Instead
You might be tempted to be a bit adventurous with your hair and do the most complicated hairstyle for the fun of it. However, it could only cause tension to your edges and basically do more damage, thus having simple styles such as braids and buns are advised. Not only do these styles provide less to no tension on your edges, you can also take a break from frequently combing and fixing your hair.
Bigger Braids around the Edges
Having braids, faux locs, or twists can take a toll on your edges, so it’s best to ask your stylist to make bigger braids or parts around your edges than the ones in the rest of your head, which will make it easier for your edges to better support the weaves. Also, though it might seem unappealing at first, don’t overdo your braid, which only adds stress to your hairline.
Lace Closures are Better
Though it’s great enough to have sew-ins, wearing a quality lace closure, which you can get from stores such as Virgin Hair Fixx, are more advisable, since these not only protect your natural hair and your edges, they also blend well with your own hair, with laces giving the appearance of a natural scalp.
Take Care of your Scalp
Finally, to better promote growth on your edges, you still need to take great care of your natural hairline with products that can stimulate them. You can try frequently massaging the area where you need hair to grow and apply natural oils to better stimulate growth in these areas. Proper care for your hairline and edges help in promoting hair growth, and once you have to finally let go of your weaves, you’ll have hair that’s thicker and healthier than before.
(Source: 5 Tips To Keep Your Edges Intact When Protective Styling , Black Girl Long Hair)